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COVID-19: Norway Savings is here to help

To Our Valued Customers,

We appreciate the trust you place in us and want you to know that our highest priority is to ensure the health and safety of our customers, employees, vendors and communities. Our task force is closely monitoring and responding to the evolving situation surrounding the Coronavirus (COVID-19) and we continue to follow guidance from the World Health Organization (WHO), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), international, regional, state and local authorities.

Today we are reaching out to provide you with reassurance that we are here to help you through this unprecedented time. We want you to know that Norway Savings Bank is in excellent financial health and is in great condition to weather this pandemic and the resulting market changes.

We are here to help
We recognize that this virus is in the early stages here in Maine and there is uncertainty related to the spread of the virus. We also recognize that some customers may face financial challenges as a result of illness and/or business interruption. If you’re experiencing financial hardship related to the virus, we’re here to help. Please call 1.888.725.2207. For our commercial customers, please reach out directly to your Commercial Loan Officer.

Our branch staff is here for you
Whether it’s in person or over the phone with our Customer Care Center, our team is here to help you with your banking needs. We are being diligent with frequent cleanings of our branches and ATMs. We are reinforcing best practices recommended by the CDC including frequent handwashing.

Our goal is to continue to provide you with as much flexibility as possible when banking with us, and we will provide you with communication updates via email as the situation continues to evolve.

24/7 access to your accounts with ColorSuite online banking
During this time, you may find utilizing our online banking tools more convenient for checking your balance, making transfers, paying bills, etc. If you are not yet enrolled in online or mobile banking, just visit norwaysavings.bank or call us, and we will be happy to help!

Be aware
Scammers and criminals may use fear/intimidation, trickery, urgency or disinformation related to the coronavirus (COVID-19) to attempt to steal your sensitive, personal or account information. Watch out for strange calls, emails, texts or websites that look like they are coming from legitimate businesses or government agencies asking for information like SSN, usernames/passwords (login info), account numbers, credit or debit card numbers, PINs, etc. Norway Savings Bank will never request such information through email/text/outbound calls. Always check your account statements for official websites and customer service numbers and call those numbers directly rather than giving out information over the phone/email/text.

Other helpful information
Please make sure your mobile phone number, email address and mobile banking alerts are up-to-date for all of your accounts. This will also help if we have the need to contact you about your account. Call 1.888.725.2207 for assistance updating this information.

If you are not feeling well, we encourage you to avoid unnecessary trips to the bank. If you need assistance with a banking issue, please call our Customer Care Center at 1.888.725.2207.

We share your concern about the spread and impact of the coronavirus, and we want you to know that our team is here to serve you.  We know you have many choices when it comes to banking and we want to thank you for choosing Norway Savings Bank.

Patricia Weigel
President & Chief Executive Officer