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Bike Maine with Barry – Day 7

Today was the final day of my Bike Maine adventure. Although I’m looking forward to sleeping in my own bed, I’m not quite ready for the tour to end. This opportunity to experience a weeklong ride with other cycling enthusiasts from so many different places and backgrounds has been an amazing experience.

Our ride from Kennebunk to Kittery started off relatively flat and eased into some rolling hills at about the halfway point. We rode past Walker’s Point and Nubble Lighthouse, taking in picturesque views of the rocky Maine coast. The route took us full circle back to our starting point at Fort Foster in Kittery, where we enjoyed a farewell luncheon.

After the conclusion of the third Bike Maine event, the Bicycle Coalition of Maine begins preparing for 2016. It was announced that Bike Maine 2016 will have the theme “Discover the Bold Coast”. The specific destinations have not been shared yet, but we do know it will be centered around Downeast Maine in Washington and Hancock counties, with the possibility of crossing into Canada.

Thank you Norway Savings for allowing me the opportunity to represent NSB on this ride and also for being a contributing sponsor of Bike Maine.