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Bike Maine with Barry – Day 3

It was a chilly start to the day but after a good breakfast the sun started to rise and warmed us up for what we anticipated would be a hilly ride. There was some discussion the night before from riders that have never seen a moose and they are paying $30 tonight to go on a tour in the Bethel area to see one. Many of us are thinking this is as close as they are going to get.

Wooden moose sculpture

Today our rest stop was at the Lovell Historic Society and lunch was at the North Waterford Congregational Church. Today was the shortest ride of the week – “only” 45 miles. Don’t let that distance fool you. The hills were a little challenging, with an elevation gain of about 2.771 feet. The reward for chugging along up these hills was being able to coast down them on the other side. During some of the descent we hit an exhilarating and shaky 40 miles per hour. Today’s ride and part of the ride through Evans Notch in New Hampshire on Thursday are very similar to the route taken for the Loon Echo Trek that I’ve done for the last three years.

I made it to Bethel around 1 p.m. and after setting up camp and cleaning up, I rode my bike to visit the employees at the Bethel branch. I was able to get a photo with teller Danielle Skorupa and also got a picture of their very seasonal outdoor display along with my “throw back” Tuesday bicycle. I learned that Bill White was volunteering at the Bike Maine information booth so when I returned to Gould Academy, I had a chance to catch up with him. Thanks for all the assistance you provided to the riders today, Bill!

Danielle Skorupa and Barry Towle

Danielle Skorupa and Barry Towle


Barry posing on the vintage bicycle decorating the Bethel branch

Barry posing on the vintage bicycle decorating the Bethel branch


We were on our own for dinner tonight and many of us headed to the Suds Pub. There were some interesting discussions about cross-country biking trips and at one point I met another local cyclist that used to live just a few miles from me. I also had a surprise visitor from Steve Whitney, EVP Risk Management, Deposit Operations and IT, who lives in the Bethel area. Thanks for stopping in and visiting, Steve!

Tomorrow is a rest day, but I don’t really see that happening. Too much to do!