Friendly Reminder
All Norway Savings Bank locations and the Customer Care Center will be closed on Monday, January 20,
in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. Regular banking hours will resume on Tuesday, January 21. Thank you!

Advance Service Interruption Notice for Transition to New Digital Banking Platform

Online banking and mobile banking only will be unavailable from Friday, Jan. 24, at 5:30 p.m. through Tuesday, Jan. 28, at 8:30 a.m.
During that time: NSB ATM and debit cards will still work; NSB branches will be open during regular hours; telephone banking will still be available; and the NSB Customer Care Center will be available to assist you on weekdays (8 a.m. to 6 p.m.), Saturday (8 a.m. to 3 p.m.),
and Sunday (9 a.m. to noon) at 888.725.2207.

Learn more about the exciting new features on the way!

/ Get to Know Us / News / What's Happening / 5 Ways to Make Money as a Kid

5 Ways to Make Money as a Kid

Are you looking to make a few extra bucks? Maybe you’re struggling to figure out how you can earn enough money to make a special purchase. We want to help! Here are 5 easy ways you can start earning & saving! We bet mom & dad will be on board!

Collect bottles & cans: Get outside and go for a walk. You never know what you will find on the side of the road! Bring a bag and some gloves with you and pick up bottles and cans along your way. Not only are you making money on your walk, you are cleaning up your community! Helpful tip: A great time of year is in the spring when the snow is melting!

Babysitting: Make a list of people you know who have young children and get your information out to them. Let them know you are looking to start babysitting. Ask your parents to tell their friends that you are ready and looking for babysitting jobs. Don’t forget to do your research. Find out what the going-rate is for babysitting in your area.

Once you land a babysitting job, make sure to ask about the children. What do they like/dislike? If you are caring for them in the evening, what time do they go to bed? Do they have any allergies?

The Red Cross has babysitting classes you can take in your community or online. Click here for more information.

Get crafty! People love purchasing homemade goods. Find something you can make and give it a try. You can sell your work at local craft shows or ask your parents to help you sell online! Some ideas? Magnets, photos, jewelry – you name it, people love crafts!

Dog walker: Fur babies are an important part of many families, however, not everyone has the time or the energy to take Fido for a walk after a long day at work or school! How great would it be if Fido had a scheduled walk every day with a new friend? Make flyers, ask your parents to share it online and at work, ask your neighbors and friends with dogs if they are interested in hiring a dog walker.

Yard Work: Mowing lawns, planting & weeding gardens, basic landscaping and raking leaves – these jobs can turn into a great business! Start when you’re old enough to ride your bike or walk to a customer’s house and if the customer is happy, they will ask you to keep coming back for years AND will tell their friends! Create a customer base, start with your neighbors and branch out through your community!

So get out there, let it be known you are looking to make a little extra money! If you need a place to put your hard earned money, Norway Savings Bank is here to help!